dinsdag 10 maart 2009

Seems I've got a secret admirer

I suppose it wasn't a question of íf, rather of when I'd get my first anonymous hate-reply. This is, after all, the internet, where everyone can act like a tough guy, sitting safely behind their screens posting as "anonymous". Blogger has a wonderful feature that lets me moderate and even delete replies I don't want to see, but I don't intend to use it.

People who feel the need to spam nonsensical messages filled with cussing and generic verbal abuse tend to fall into two categories:
1, they are insecure, small and unsuccesful people who need to feel good about themselves by dragging others down.
Or 2, baiters. Trying to get an annoyed, perhaps even infuriated response from whoever happens to cross their path. Pretty much everything is fair game to a baiter, and ofcourse the fun is when someone bites and goes off at them. I happen to know this, because I spent some time on a forum as a baiter. So, I'm not going to change the options for posting replies, I'm not going to moderate them and I'm certainly not going to delete any. Any of those actions would mean a baiter gets what he wants. Instead, with this little addition to my blog I acknowledge his presence, and that's where it ends.
Yes, I see you. Yes, I read your comments. No, I don't care.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Strangely,after reading the comments that guy left I grew quite fond of the guy.
    He seems to have a strange attidute calling you a "kiddo" but abuses the words like "bitch",cappsed internet acronyms like "BTW",some more "bitch" combined with "slap" (kinky if I may notice)and some "dude"s.

    I love him.

  2. no master baiter joke yet?

  3. http://www.untwistedvortex.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/dontfeedthetroll.jpg

  4. Seriously Ymir, rethink your position please.
    I've just read the comments to your previous entry, and I doubt you're going to get any normal response if the blog is filled with crap like that.
    Leaving all the idiotic comments in there, gives the impression that you don't really care much about your blog. And if you don't even care, why would anybody else?

  5. Unfortunately have to agree on Joep here.
    I still find reading *that* guys' comments loads of fun,but it won't do much good for the development of your blog.

  6. Fair enough, good point.
    Anonymous replies turned off and cleaned up the mess.
