woensdag 25 februari 2009

No good deed shall go unpunished

Have you done a single good deed today?
Something as simple as helping an old lady cross the street, turning off your neighbours bike light after she'd forgotten to switch it off, or anything like that?

People are losing touch with one another. Even though we are communicating with eachother in more ways than we ever thought possible, people are becoming more and more self-centered, anonymous and perhaps even xenofobic.
If you don't know someone, you don't talk to them, greet them... Hell, they might as well not exist.

A while ago, I was out taking a walk. I came across an elderly gentleman. The streets were empty except for the two of us. In passing, I greeted him, giving him a smile and a 'good afternoon'.
In return, I got a startled and frightened look, as if I just threatened him into giving me his wallet.
The sad thing is, it has become normal to basically ignore each other, to just look out for one's own. Greeting someone while out on a walk has become an abberation instead of the norm.
People are afraid of eachother. You are expected to act like a self-centered asshole, and because everyone assumes everyone else does so, they do so too. The perfect example of a vicious cycle, sustaining itself until eventually it collapses.

Back to my earlier point. Have you done a good deed today? A good deed doesn't have to be something big. Anything that brings a smile to someone's face will do. The point is to break the vicious cycle I mentioned above.
If evil begets evil, then isn't it common sense to say good begets good? If you stop at a pedestrian crossing to let someone cross the street, which brings a small spark of happiness to that person, who in turn does something good for someone else, that means you've made a difference.
You might never notice the repercussions of your action yourself, but you will have had a slight positive influence on someone's life. Instead of getting irritated because he had to wait until a gap opened in traffic, you made someone happy by going against the norm, by not thinking of yourself first, but thinking of others too. Hopefully that positive effect will carry through, and who knows... that person might just do something similar for someone else.

My point? Don't just accept how the world is, if it's not something you can live with. Try to change it! The smallest change can have the biggest impact. Don't let yourself get jaded, don't let yourself get dulled down. Think about your actions, think about your position in live. One person can make a difference. Perhaps not on a global scale, perhaps not on a national scale, but a positive change is always worthwhile, no matter how small.
I for one will go on trying to be a positive influence for those around me, regardless of whether I know them or not. If I can make even one person a day consider life a bit more positively, I'll consider that a good day.

1 opmerking:

  1. People are self-centered by default.
    Even this being nice of yours is just another form of selfishness. You do it because it makes 'you' feel good about yourself, or because 'you' want the world 'you' live in to be nicer for 'you'. :)
    Sure, give a begger some food. But would you give him your last food and go hungry yourself?
    If people were like this, then yes, the world would be a better place to live in, but...

    People are 'assholes' by nature. Sure, they are nice to the members of their own group. Would be stupid if they weren't.
    Like chimpanzees who need their group to survive. I wouldn't want to be the poor chimp from another tribe who happened to wander off into their territory though.

    People used to be nicer to eachother because they were part of the same community, and one doesn't piss in one's own garden.
    The massive amount of people living 'together' nowadays has made any sense of community dissappear. The anonimity people in society have these days make people show their true colors. And unfortunately (most) people are selfish bastards.

    Unless a nice virus comes along that decimates the world's population, I don't see this 'pay it forward' idea of yours having much effect.

    It might be a better idea to go kick pregnant women in their bellies and consider that your good deed.
    Well, atleast don't have any kids yourself. :)

    But still, cynical old me wants to leave with a quote from my hero, Eek! the Cat;
    "it never hurts to help"
